Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Yarn Guy

"The Yarn Guy" welcomes all to my blog, thank you for visiting here.

End of March, already April...70 degree day and I am still thinking about that 60" X 90" afghan in diagonal garter stitch (a slipknot and two cast-on stitches and one front-and-back increase. as I call it, don't know the correct term for this increase.... at the beginning of each row starting with the first row on for creating width (minus all that casting-on). I've been working on this project for months... in a few weeks, it will be finally 60" wide and I can finally start thinking about working on just its length for a while. This project is now 42 inches wide from corner out to needle. Looks like a triangle with the corner held downwards and like the corner of a rectangular afghan done in diagonal garter, which it is, if the side and bottom of it is held at 90 degree right angles.

Anyhoo, down to see the Japanese Cherry Blossoms (in Kenwood in the Bethesda, Maryland suburbs of DC) while at their peak. Enjoy driving down there with my bicycle in my car, park and ride all through Kenwood. All the streets by the curbsides there are lined with nothing but Japanese cherry trees. In the height of cherry blossom season there each year, a few families have their kids selling cookies and lemonade in front of their homes near the curbs.

I enjoy both knitting and all springtime has to offer at the time of year...actually knitting I enjoy doing any time of the year.

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