Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A kitten named Blue

This kitten named Blue by a good knittng friend of mine named Debbie stayed at my house for a few days until Debbie could get ready for him and his good health was vet-verified. She then took him into her home and her 2 other cats ('Scilla-'Scilla and Toby) have come to like and to accept him.

These 3 kitties all sleep with Debbie (mycatsmy kids) at night and all are very happy indeed.

She is both a great cat-mom and a great friend knittng and otherwise as well.

She has been knitting for a long time and is has been a great help with my knitting.

Anyway, Blue and her other kitties enjoy the cat bed I knitted for them (seen under projects in skein123 or on my blog "The Yarn Guy".)

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